

English-Russian Biotechnology Glossary. . 2007.

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Смотреть что такое "foldamers" в других словарях:

  • Foldamers — A foldamer is a discrete chain molecule or oligomer that adopts a secondary structure stabilized by non covalent interactions Ref|1 Ref|2. They are artificial molecules that mimic the ability of proteins, nucleic acids, and polysaccharides to… …   Wikipedia

  • Folding (chemistry) — In chemistry folding is the process by which a molecule assumes its shape or conformation. The process can also be described as intramolecular self assembly where the molecule is directed to form a specific shape through noncovalent interactions …   Wikipedia

  • Photochromie — Unter Photochromie versteht man die lichtinduzierte reversible Umwandlung zweier Spezies ineinander unter Änderung des Absorptionsspektrums sowie damit einhergehend ihrer physikalischen Eigenschaften. Die Rückreaktion kann dabei thermisch (T Typ… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Dynamic combinatorial chemistry — is defined as combinatorial chemistry under thermodynamic control.[1] Contents 1 Introduction 2 Current Applications 2.1 Medicine and Pharmaceutical …   Wikipedia

  • Nucleic acid quaternary structure — The quaternary structure of a nucleic acid refers to the interactions between separate nucleic acid molecules, or between nucleic acid molecules and proteins. The concept is analogous to protein quaternary structure, but as the analogy is not… …   Wikipedia

  • Beta sheet — The β sheet (also β pleated sheet) is the second form of regular secondary structure in proteins consisting of beta strands connected laterally by three or more hydrogen bonds, forming a generally twisted, pleated sheet (the most common form of… …   Wikipedia

  • Supramolecular chemistry — refers to the area of chemistry that focuses on the noncovalent bonding interactions of molecules. [cite journal | author=Lehn JM | title=Supramolecular chemistry | journal=Science | volume=260 | issue=5115 | year=1993 | pages=1762–3 |… …   Wikipedia

  • Beta-peptide — β peptides consist of β amino acids, which have their amino group bonded to the β carbon rather than the α carbon as in the 20 standard biological amino acids. The only commonly naturally occurring β amino acid is β alanine; although it is used… …   Wikipedia

  • Peptidomimetic — A peptidomimetic is a small protein like chain designed to mimic a peptide. They typically arise from modification of an existing peptide in order to alter the molecule s properties. For example, they may arise from modifications to change the… …   Wikipedia

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